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Thyroid New

Kinsey Jackson is a world-renowned thyroid specialist and Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner who healed her own thyroid after struggling with hypothyroidism for 11 years.

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Today, she guest lectures at top medical universities on Thyroid Starvation - a nutrient deficiency discovered by the University Of Pennsylvania School Of Medicine to be the root cause of hypothyroidism in women. 1

Kinsey’s new approach has helped over 17,253 women recover from fatigue, weight gain, brain fog, hair loss, and more - without relying on medications or extreme diets. Below, she reveals:

  • How to lose weight even if your thyroid is low (on average women lose 21 pounds of fat in 90 days without diet or exercise) 2
  • 3 green “death veggies” you should never eat if you have a low thyroid
  • Why that “normal” thyroid test result is a LIE (and no, you’re not crazy for feeling like your body is off)
  • A 1-minute at-home test that reveals if your thyroid is low that’s more accurate than most lab tests (it’s FREE and requires no blood draw)
  • How to bring your thyroid back to normal, healthy levels in just 2 minutes a day - even if you’ve been struggling with a low thyroid for years

Meet Kinsey Jackson: The Nation’s Leading Thyroid Specialist With Over 22 Years Of Clinical Experience And The Best-Selling Author Of The Thyroid Reboot

After graduating from Western Washington University with degrees in biopsychology and chemistry, Kinsey earned her Master of Science in human nutrition from the University of Bridgeport, finishing #1 in her class with honors.

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Kinsey Jackson


My name is Kinsey Jackson. I’ve worked in the medical field for over 22 years and I’ve helped thousands of men & women worldwide recover from low thyroid disorders.

I’m the best-selling author of The Thyroid Reboot, a book that has sold 43,057+ copies and has close to 100% four or five star reviews. In the greater Seattle area, I’m known as the nutrition specialist that doctors go to for help with their thyroid patients.

If you’re a woman struggling with a low thyroid, conventional medicine has probably failed you. You may be frustrated with your doctor - or told you have to take pills for the rest of your life.

The truth is - most doctors receive just 11 hours of nutrition training in all of medical school. They’re trained to diagnose and prescribe - not to help people heal with food.62

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Today I want to show you that if you want to fix a low thyroid, all it takes is adding 3 superfoods found in your local supermarket to your diet. You’ll find the first in the snack aisle, the second in the meat section, and the third in the produce section.

This method is so effective, most women feel better in just 2 weeks. I’ll reveal everything for FREE below.

How I Reduced My
Thyroid Medication
By 70% In Just 2 Weeks

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I was 28 years old when I stepped out of the shower one morning, looked in the mirror...

And screamed.

The top of my head looked like this:

A huge, ugly bald spot was staring back at me.

Tears streamed down my face as I held a clump of long, black hair in my hands.

“Wake up Kinsey. WAKE UP. This can’t be real!!”

Slowly, I realized...

This wasn’t a nightmare.

Something was horribly wrong with my body.

My long battle with my thyroid started almost 20 years ago.

Today, I’ve Healed My Thyroid, Ditched My
Medication, And Even Regrown My Hair
At 43 Years Old

Here’s How You Can Fix A Low Thyroid
Without Prescription Pills Or Dieting - In Just 2 Minutes A Day

Take a look:

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I was 28 years old when my father passed away - and the grief sent me into a tailspin.

My hair fell out in clumps and my head was covered in bald patches.

I was so embarrassed, I wore hats and bandanas every day to hide my ugly head.

My skin broke out in weird eczema rashes and my joints hurt so bad, I needed a wheelchair just to pick up groceries.

Most days, I was so tired I couldn’t get out of bed.

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I was so confused because doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me...

It wasn’t until much later that I figured out I had a dangerously low thyroid.

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Today my thyroid levels are normal again and I’m 100% symptom free.

I grew back my long, black hair….

I’m hiking, doing yoga, and walking every day without pain.

My brain fog, rashes, and muscle aches are gone.

My energy is back.

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I was finally able to have a healthy pregnancy and start my family...

And my smile is bigger than ever.

If you’re struggling with a low thyroid...

Today I want to show you how I did it...

And how you can fix your thyroid with 3 delicious superfoods found in your local supermarket...

Even if you’ve been struggling with brain fog, weight gain, and chronic fatigue for years...

Even if you’ve been on medications but still feel awful...

And even if nothing you’ve tried has worked.

Today I’m Going To Show You How I’ve Helped Over 17,253 Women Fix Their Low Thyroids With The Healing Power Of Food

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These days, I run a specialist clinic in Washington state.

Every day, I see patients with classic low thyroid symptoms, like:

  • Hair loss
  • Brain fog
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Weight gain
  • Cold sensitivity
  • Panic attacks

Most of these women have tried thyroid medications... supplements... and diet changes...

They’ve spent countless hours and thousands of dollars at the doctor’s office, doing test after frustrating test...

But they haven’t felt better.

Some have even lost hope - they’re resigned to living with a low thyroid for the rest of their lives.

Yet thanks to the breakthrough I’m going to share with you today...

Nearly all of these women have cleared their brain fog, renewed their energy, and lost the weight they’ve put on because of their thyroid.

Most have drastically reduced their thyroid medications.

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Thanks To These 3 Superfoods, Most
Thyroid Patients Feel Better In Just 2 Weeks

So no matter how long you’ve been struggling with a low thyroid...

Today I want to let you know: there’s hope.

With the FREE tips I share below right here on this page, you can find relief.

Just check out of the stories women have sent me:

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* Disclaimer: Paid actor portrayal of a genuine testimonial from a real customer. These results are exceptional, and our average customer makes at least some improvement in their overall health when following our program.

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Keri H. Verified Buyer

Birmingham, AL

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Thyroid Renew Is Amazing!!

“I've battled thyroid issues for 13 years. Thyroid Renew is amazing!! I was very skeptical as I've tried several different thyroid support meds with no luck. I decided to try one more. I've only taken it for a little over a week and feel much less achy, I am sleeping better, and am a lot less tired throughout the day! THANK YOU!!” **

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Lynette Verified Buyer

Wangi NSW Australia

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This Product Worked For Me

“I feel so much better taking Thyroid Renew, I have more energy and feel so much better in myself…I'm all for natural products and I found this product easy on my digestive system and also helped with the heart palpitations I was having. This product worked for me.” **

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N Boyd Verified Buyer

Lafayette, LA

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I Have Lost Weight

“I take Thyroid Renew daily and have lost weight, sleep better, and have more energy.” **

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Marilla Verified Buyer

Sydney, Australia

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Helped Reduce My Thyroid Readings

“Thyroid Renew has helped reduce my thyroid readings so far and helped with fatigue…I believe it is a very good product.” **

Healing A Low Thyroid Comes Down To Fixing
3 Key Nutrient Deficiencies - A Condition Researchers Are Now Calling Thyroid Starvation

I’ve taught this to leading medical universities...

And in private consults with top doctors and physicians.

But today I want to share the breakthrough new science out of Upenn School of Medicine with you right here on this page, for FREE...

So you can take charge of your own thyroid health like I did.

I’ll share what the 3 superfoods that fix your thyroid are.

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(You can find all 3 in your local supermarket - one in the snack aisle, one in the produce section, and one in the meat section.)

I’ll also answer 3 of the most common questions thyroid patients have:

  • “Why do my lab results show my levels are normal...
    yet I don’t feel well?”
  • “Why does my doctor keep telling me I’m fine?”
  • “Why aren’t my medications and supplements helping me feel better?”

I know this can be a frustrating and confusing journey - I’ve been through it myself.

Keep reading, and I promise I’ll reveal everything below.

Let’s get started.

Why Are Women 9X More Likely To
Have A Thyroid Disorder Than Men?
For Years, It’s Been A Medical Mystery -
Today, We Finally Have An Answer

For Years, It’s Been A Medical Mystery -
Today, We Finally Have An Answer

According to the American Thyroid Association...

1 in 8 women will develop a thyroid disorder in her lifetime (compared to about 1 in 50 men).

That’s an epidemic of over 20 million women.3

So why are thyroid disorders so much more common in women than men?

For years...

We couldn’t answer this question.

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Recently, professor of gynecology Marek Glezerman from Sackler School of Medicine estimated that as much as 75% of all medical research has been done on men - which explains why thyroid disorders in women are so misunderstood.4

But new reports out of The Mayo Clinic, The National Institute of Health, and John Hopkins Medical School show: 5-7

The Thyroid Gland Is One Of The Most
Important Glands In A Woman’s Body At Any Age

That’s because it’s your hormonal control center - and women’s hormones affect their bodies more than men.

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New science shows:

Your thyroid regulates your monthly cycle.

It balances hormones like estrogen and progesterone as you go through puberty, childbirth, and menopause.

It controls:

  • Your energy
  • Your mood
  • How bloated you feel
  • How young or old your skin and hair looks
  • How much weight you gain or lose

Harvard Medical School even found that the thyroid controls a woman’s fertility... 8

And virtually every autoimmune issue women face leads back to the thyroid.

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Thyroid health is so important to a woman’s well-being...

Researchers are now even calling it a “second brain.”

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Did you know?

A slow thyroid can stop you from getting pregnant?

When I lost my first pregnancy, I consulted with every top fertility expert in Washington State.

To my surprise, every single one tested my thyroid first. That’s because if your thyroid is off - it’ll throw all your other female hormones out of whack, too.

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That’s Why Every Woman Over The Age Of 20 Should Be Taking Care Of Her Thyroid Health

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If you don’t...

Your skin, hair, and nails will age faster.

You’ll gain weight uncontrollably no matter how healthy you eat or how much you exercise.

And you’ll feel tired and moody 24/7

That’s how important your thyroid is to your overall well-being.

New research shows that your thyroid needs 3 key nutrients to stay healthy.

Unfortunately, most women don’t get nearly enough...

Even if they eat well and take a daily multivitamin.

As a result...

You develop what’s called Thyroid Starvation.

Here’s How Eating The Wrong Foods
Gives You Thyroid Starvation, Weakening
Every Cell In Your Body

Your body is made up of about 30 trillion cells.

Yet every one of these cells has one thing in common:

They all depend on a thyroid hormone called T3 for energy.

Without T3, your cells can slow down dramatically…

Like a factory without electricity.

That’s when you get your low thyroid symptoms like brain fog... chronic fatigue... hair loss... weight gain... and cold sensitivity.

Here’s a quick breakdown of how this works:

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Step 1 Of Your Thyroid Pathway:

Your Thyroid Makes 2 Hormones Called T4 And T3

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First, your brain sends a signal to your thyroid to make hormones.

This signal is called TSH - or thyroid stimulating hormone.

This tells your thyroid to make T4 and T3...

Which goes into your bloodstream and travels throughout your body.

Step 2 Of Your Thyroid Pathway:

Your Liver Converts “Inactive” T4 Into
“Active” T3

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Most of the thyroid hormone produced is in T4 form.

T4 is the “inactive” version of the hormone...

Which means it essentially doesn’t do anything - it just floats around in your blood and is used for storage.

T3 is the “active” version that goes in your cells and powers their metabolism.

That’s why your liver has to convert T4 into T3.

Step 3 Of Your Thyroid Pathway:

T3 Activates Your Cell’s Metabolism

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Next, T3 passes through the cell membrane and activates your cell’s metabolism.

It’s a signal that tells your cells to:

  • Start producing energy (a molecule called ATP)
  • And do the cell’s job in your body (with proteins and enzymes that act as “worker molecules”)

You Can Think Of Your Cells As Little Factories And T3
As The Electricity
That Powers Them

With enough T3, your cells are healthy and you feel fine.

If your cells don’t get enough T3...

They slow down and stop doing their job in your body.

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If any of that sounds familiar to you...

Your thyroid is likely already slowed down...

And you’ve got at least stage 1 Thyroid Starvation.

It won’t kill you, but it will suck the joy out of your life.

Because if there’s one takeaway from all this...


How Well You Feel Depends
On How Much T3 Your Cells Get

For your cells to get enough T3...

Your entire Thyroid Pathway has to be working properly.

That means all 3 steps:

  1. Your thyroid makes T4 and T3
  2. Your liver converts “inactive” T4 into “active” T3
  3. T3 goes into your cells and activates their metabolisms

If there’s a problem with one... two... or even all 3 of these steps...

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Your thyroid will slow down, and you’ll get Thyroid Starvation.

That means you’ll struggle to concentrate or focus on simple tasks like reading...

You’ll have no energy to do anything but lie in bed all day...

Your hair and eyebrows might start to thin…

And you’ll tend to gain weight no matter how little you eat.

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Most thyroid panels only test for T4 and TSH levels - but if your body has a problem converting T4 into T3, you still won’t feel well. This is why you can have thyroid lab work that looks normal, yet you still feel awful.

This Is Why Most Thyroid Medications Like Levothyroxine And Synthroid Are NOT Great
Long-Term Solutions

Long-term, taking T4 hormone meds like levothyroxine and synthroid can cause your thyroid to shrivel up like a raisin.

If there’s too much T4 floating in your blood, your brain tells your thyroid to stop making more.

Like your muscles, if your thyroid isn’t working, it’ll shrink.

(In biology, if you don’t use it, you lose it.)

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If you’ve had thyroid lab work done and you’re not in the normal range…

Your doctor has probably prescribed you medication like levothyroxine or synthroid.

These are synthetic, lab-made versions of T4.

For some women, this can help temporarily. (And if this is you, great - I recommend you stay on it)

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However, for most women it’s not a great long term solution - here’s why...

Remember that T4 is the inactive version of the hormone...

And how well you feel depends on how much T3 - the active version - gets in your cells.

So if your body has a problem converting T4 into T3...

No amount of extra T4 will help you feel better.

This is one of the issues that a LOT of women with thyroid problems have...

And it’s why I think of thyroid lab tests as tools to help you understand which of the 3 steps in your thyroid pathway are blocked...

Instead of the end-all be-all of telling you how you should feel.

If Any Of The 3 Steps In Your Thyroid
Pathway Are Blocked, You’ll Have
Thyroid Starvation - Which Means You’ll Feel
Weak, Tired, And Sluggish

The main problem is that treating Hashimoto’s, hypothyroidism, and other low thyroid issues takes a nuanced, whole-body approach…

But most medical schools put an emphasis on training doctors to quickly diagnose and prescribe.

Which gives them wonderful tools like antibiotics and surgery for fixing acute health problems…

But totally lacking when it comes to chronic long-term conditions like a low thyroid.

That’s why I encourage you to take matters of your health into your own hands.

That’s what I had to do to heal.

In my experience treating over 17,253 thyroid patients in my clinic in Washington…

I find nutrition to me a far more effective solution.

Nutrition has incredible healing power...

And it’s a much more natural way to help your body recover.

Don’t worry - this doesn’t mean you have to go on an extreme diet...

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Avoid these 3 green vegetables if you have a low thyroid: Edamame, brussel sprouts, and kale.

If you’ve got a low thyroid, it’s a good idea to avoid soy-containing foods like edamame and raw cruciferous vegetables like brussel sprouts, cauliflower, and kale.

These vegetables have been found to contain anti-nutrients that block your thyroid pathway.

All you have to do is fix 3 nutrient deficiencies that are often the root cause of a low thyroid.

Add these 3 simple nutrients to your diet - and you get your life back.

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When I made these simple changes, most of my low thyroid symptoms disappeared within 2 weeks.

This led me to become obsessed with the role of nutrition in thyroid disorders.

I went on to become a Certified Nutrition Specialist® - which is the highest nutrition degrees given in medicine.

The Surprising Root Cause Of Hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s, And A Low Thyroid:

Thyroid Starvation

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Have you heard that women are more likely than men to become anemic?

Anemia is a condition where you are low in red blood cells.

It’s more common in women because we lose iron every month.

This is important because iron is a part of an enzyme called hemoglobin...

Which carries oxygen in your blood.

So if you don’t get enough iron, you carry less oxygen in your blood...

And you’ll feel weak and tired.

Well, a similar problem happens with your thyroid.

Your Thyroid Pathway depends on similar enzymes to drive the chemical reactions...

And these enzymes depend on 3 key minerals.

If you don’t get enough of these 3 minerals, your thyroid pathway will be blocked and you’ll feel weak, sluggish, and tired.

Did you know?!

If your cells are like little factories, enzymes are the workers.

They’re special proteins that run the “factory” by driving important chemical reactions.

Each enzyme needs a vitamin or mineral to turn it on, just like a car needs a key to turn on.

That’s why you need minerals like iron and manganese in your diet.

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If You’ve Got A Low Thyroid, It’s Likely
Due To These 3 Mineral Deficiencies

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I’ve seen thousands of thyroid patients in my clinic.

In my experience, most women’s thyroids are starving for these 3 minerals.

Chances are...

You’re simply not getting enough from your diet, even if you eat well.

I’ve also found that most cheap multivitamins and thyroid supplements just don’t have enough of these 3 key nutrients.

Or they contain forms that are not very bioavailable to the body, meaning, they’re not well-recognized or utilized forms of the nutrients.

Thyroid Mineral #1

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Remember that step 1 of your Thyroid Pathway is where your thyroid makes T4 and T3.

Well, how does your thyroid do that?

It’s the job of an enzyme called a seleno-protein.

You can think of a seleno-protein as a little “molecular chef” that cooks up T3 and T4.

Inside your thyroid, there are millions of these seleno-proteins hard at work...

Cooking up T3 and T4.

Each of these seleno-proteins depends on a mineral called selenium to work.

That’s why Thyroid Mineral #1 is Selenium.

Your thyroid has the highest amount of selenium out of any organ in your body. 9

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A baker combines ingredients like flour, yeast, and water to make bread.

Likewise, seleno-proteins combine amino acids and iodine to make T3 and T4.

That’s because it’s packed with busy little
seleno-proteins, hard at work.

If you don’t get enough selenium...

Your T3 and T4 levels drop.

Every cell in your body slows down.

And this can cause the weight gain... brain fog... fatigue... and hair loss most thyroid patients are struggling with.

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You’re Probably Not Getting Enough
Selenium Even If You Eat Healthy And
Take A Daily Multivitamin

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If you’re not eating this daily, your thyroid is in trouble.

Superfood 1 that helps your thyroid is a Brazil nut, because it’s one of the highest sources of selenium in nature.

It’s also packed with vitamins and minerals and is good for your heart and brain. 10

You may be thinking...

“But wait Kinsey! My multivitamin has Selenium AND I take a thyroid supplement. I still don’t feel any better. What gives?!”

Ready for a surprise?

Unless you’re eating 2 brazil nuts every day (or 60 brazil nuts a month)...

You’re probably still deficient.

Most multivitamins and supplements simply don’t have a high-quality source of Selenium.

They’re trying to stuff 30 different vitamins and minerals into one tiny pill...

So the quality has to be low to keep their costs down.

I’ll show you how to fix this problem in just a moment - as well as a simple trick to take care of the nausea associated with most thyroid supplements.

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If You’re A Woman, It’s Incredibly Important
That You Take A High-Quality Selenium
Supplement Daily

It’s one of the first steps I give to the thyroid patients in my clinic...

With great results, proven over and over again.

Bottom line?

You’ll feel better fast.

If you don’t believe me, just check out the dozens of studies that show Selenium improves thyroid function.

For example...

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The journal of Clinical Endocrinology published a study with ultrasound images that prove:

Women who take Selenium have healthier thyroids than those who don’t.12

Take a look:

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This ultrasound shows how a healthy thyroid looks full and solid, while an unhealthy thyroid looks more hollow. If you’re suffering from a low thyroid, getting enough selenium can help you feel better fast.

Keep reading below to find out my recommendation, as well as 2 more minerals you need for a healthy thyroid.

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After testing countless women, the researchers concluded:

Taking selenium “improves the ultrasound structure of the thyroid gland...”

And is essentially a prerequisite for good thyroid health in women. 13, 64-66

This was confirmed by multiple peer-reviewed studies:

Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology:

“Selenium supplementation has been associated with [...] quality of life improvements.” 14

American Thyroid Association:

“[Selenium] supplementation is associated with [...] improvement in mood and / or general well-being.”15

The International Journal of Endocrinology

“Maintaining a physiological concentration of selenium is a prerequisite to prevent thyroid disease and preserve overall health.” 16, 63

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A study from the International Journal of Endocrinology even found that overweight people who took selenium lost an average of 21 pounds of fat...

On autopilot...

Without diet or exercise...

After just 3 months! 2

The most exciting part of all this is that women report, over and over again:

Taking selenium helps them feel better.

Which means:

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  • Their energy returned so they could hike, do yoga, and and get back to the activities they love
  • Extra pounds on their stomach, legs, and arms melted away
  • They could think, concentrate, and focus better
  • And more...

But that’s just the beginning...

Because there are 2 more minerals you need for a healthy thyroid.*

Thyroid Mineral #2

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Step 2 of your Thyroid Pathway is your liver converting T4 into T3...

Which is crucial.

Because T4 can’t go into your cells - it’s biologically inactive.

So without this step, it doesn’t matter how hard your thyroid works at making hormones...

Your cells still won’t get enough T3.

This is why so many women who take T4-only thyroid medications like levothyroxine or synthroid still don’t feel well.

You can take all the thyroid medication you want but if you don’t get enough zinc...

Your body can’t convert the T4 into T3...

And you won’t feel better.

If you’re wondering just how important this step is...

A study published in The American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition proves it’s essential. 18, 19

Just check out these photos:

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Your liver converts inactive T4 into active T3.

The enzyme that drives this reaction needs Zinc to function.

Which means that if you don’t get enough Zinc, it doesn’t matter how much T4 you have floating around in your blood... you still won’t feel well.

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When rats didn’t get enough Zinc in their diets, they developed the same symptoms found in low thyroid patients - their hair fell out, they became lethargic and sickly, and they got skin lesions.

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Your liver converts inactive T4 into active T3.

The enzyme that drives this reaction needs Zinc to function.

Which means that if you don’t get enough Zinc, it doesn’t matter how much T4 you have floating around in your blood... you still won’t feel well.

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When rats didn’t get enough Zinc in their diets, they developed the same symptoms found in low thyroid patients - their hair fell out, they became lethargic and sickly, and they got skin lesions.

These two rats were identical in virtually every way except for one:

How much zinc was in their diets.

The rat on the left was fed a Zinc-supplemented diet and the rat on the right was fed a Zinc-deficient diet.

The study found that when the rats didn’t get enough zinc...

Their thyroid levels plummeted.

As a result, they lost their hair... they had skin problems... and they lost all their energy.

The International Journal Of Trichology
Found The Same Shocking Effects Of
Zinc-Deficiency In Humans

See for yourself:

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Just like the rats, this Zinc-deficient woman had hair loss and skin lesions.

She was also struggling with depression and low energy.

Here’s the craziest part:

This woman was taking thyroid hormone medications - but she still felt terrible.

Yet once she started taking Zinc, she saw incredible changes because her body was able to convert T4 to T3 again. 20

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As a result:

  • Her mental depression lifted
  • Her face puffiness was gone
  • Her skin lesions disappeared
  • And her hair completely grew back in just 4 months

The researchers concluded:

“The hair loss attributed to hypothyroidism may not improve with thyroxine unless zinc supplements are added.”

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Thyroxine (T4 medication) didn’t help this woman feel better...

Until she took zinc...

Because zinc let her body convert the inactive T4 hormone into T3. 21

The University Of Pennsylvania Found That
Zinc Helps Brings A Woman’s Thyroid Levels
Back To Normal

Researchers gave zinc daily to women who had a low thyroid.

Four months later, their thyroid hormone levels all returned to normal. 22-23

Their hypothyroidism was essentially...


It’s an incredible finding - and The University of Massachusetts Amherst and Biological Trace Element Research confirm it. 22-23

What’s more:

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  • The International Journal of Trichology reports that zinc deficiency causes full-blown hair loss associated with hypothyroidism 24
  • The Journal of Nutrition found that this causes your Basal Metabolic Rate (how many calories your body burns on autopilot) to drop like a rock. As a result, you uncontrollably gain weight no matter how little you eat or how much you exercise 25
  • The University of Warwick showed that middle-aged and older adults who took zinc had better memory, focus, and reaction time 26
  • The University of Lubeck School of Medicine proved that zinc fortifies your immune system - which is important for thyroid patients because up to 97% of cases are caused by Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disorder. 27, 28

According to the CDC, 47.3% of the world’s population is either zinc-deficient...

Or close to it.29

Unless you’re eating oysters, grass-fed beef, or beef liver every day...

You’re likely NOT getting enough zinc...

Especially if you have brain fog, hair loss, fatigue, and weight gain.

Zinc is just the 2nd piece of the puzzle - there’s one more thyroid mineral you need.*

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Superfood 2 that helps your thyroid is raw oysters, because it’s one of the highest sources of zinc in nature. They’re also high in vitamin B12, antioxidants, and are considered an aphrodisiac (which means they give you a little extra zing in the bedroom). Yowza! 3

Thyroid Mineral #3

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The last step of the Thyroid Pathway is your cells using T3 for energy.

If there’s a problem in this step...

None of the other steps matter.

You see, your cells run on a fuel source called ATP - which is like a tiny “molecule of energy.”

Your entire body runs on it.

T3 signals your cells to start making this fuel source inside the mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell).

The enzymes that make ATP depend on one key mineral:


The reason why copper is so important for women is because without copper...

Your cells can’t make energy. 32, 33

This can lead to all sorts of health problems. For example:

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Just like a car that needs gasoline to run, your cells need ATP. The enzymes that make ATP need copper.

Which means if you’re copper-deficient, your cells slow down and your entire body runs out of energy.32, 33

If You Don’t Get Enough Copper, You Can Have Problems With Learning, Memory,
And Focus

Studies out of the University of Manchester and the University of Melbourne found:

Copper deficiency is one of the biggest causes of brain fog in women. 34-36

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If You Don’t Get Enough Copper,Your Hair
Turns Old And Gray Faster

A study published in Biological Trace Element Research found copper deficiency causes premature graying of hair...

Which means your hair looks older and grayer than normal. 37

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (69)

If You Feel Exhausted Most Days
(Like You Haven’t Slept A Wink)...
It’s Likely Caused By A Copper Deficiency

Studies out of Kansas State University, the US Department of Agriculture, and Wake Forest University School of Medicine found:

Copper deficiency causes anemia and slows down your metabolism...

Making you feel weak, sluggish, and tired.38-40

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People Who Have Weak Immune Systems And Get Sick Often Are Usually Copper Deficient

Studies out of Science, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, and the University of Florida in Gainesville found:

Copper deficiency lowers your immune system...

Because when your copper levels are low, your body makes deformed immune cells.41-44

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Bottom line?

Copper deficiency and low thyroid problems are closely linked.

And if you’re struggling with brain fog, weight gain, fatigue, hair loss, or other low thyroid symptoms...

You should be taking a high-quality copper supplement.*

A study out of the Biomedical Journal of Scientific Technical Research even quoted:

“Hypothyroid patients had significantly decreased concentration of zinc and copper. Henc, diets rich in trace elements zinc and copper should be supplied to patients of hypothyroidism to maintain normal thyroid hormone function.”45

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Superfood 3 that helps your thyroid is the avocado, because it’s high in copper. They’re the original green superfood full of healthy fats, fiber, and anti-inflammatory compounds. Plus, they’re delicious in guacamole recipes with some salt, lime, and cilantro! 46-47

Are These 3 Mineral Deficiencies At The Root Cause Of Your Low Thyroid Issues?

Selenium, Zinc, and Copper.

You need these 3 minerals to keep your
thyroid pathway healthy.

And without them, you don’t feel well.

Which is exactly why so many women come
to my private practice frustrated and confused

Because the medications, supplements,
and diet changes they’ve tried haven’t worked.

The answer is simpler than you think:

Your thyroid needs these 3 minerals.

If you feed your body these 3 minerals, your thyroid can finally do its job…

And you’ll feel better fast.*

If you don’t, you won’t feel well.

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (74)

Dr. Richard Shames MD, a family medicine doctor out of San Rafael, California, even went on record to say:

“Minerals are absolutely crucial to thyroid function, especially copper, zinc, and selenium.” 48

Here’s The Problem:

Most Multivitamins Are A Hodge-Podge Of
30 Cheap Ingredients And Many Thyroid Supplements Make You Nauseous

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (75)

For years, I was frustrated with the options available for thyroid patients.

For the average woman, it’s unrealistic to eat a super clean paleo diet with a bunch of superfoods every day.

You CAN -and I DO recommend it - but it’s hard to stay consistent.

On top of that, most multivitamins are a mixture of 30+ low-quality ingredients all crammed into capsules that are hard (if not impossible) for your digestive system to fully break down.

And if you can’t digest the capsule, your body won’t be able to absorb the nutrients from your supplements.

Sourcing cheap ingredients is the only way for manufacturers to keep the costs down.

Most thyroid supplements on the market either don’t have the right formula...

Or they make you so nauseous, you feel like throwing up after.

I needed a way to help the thyroid patients in my Seattle office feel better...

A solution that was easy... convenient... and effective.

That’s Why I Paired Up With Bright Naturals,
A World-Class Supplement Manufacturer...
To Create A Breakthrough New
Thyroid Solution For Women Everywhere

My goal?

To create something that WORKS...

And that doesn’t make you super nauseous.

Above all else...

This formula needs to help women with low thyroid issues feel better.

That means getting rid of brain fog... weight gain... fatigue...

And even helping women lose weight and regrow their hair.

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (76)

So Bright Naturals and I found the high quality sources of selenium, zinc, and copper in the world…*

Added 4 amazing superfoods to support absorption…*

Reduce nausea…*

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (77)

And balance stress and inflammation.*

We tested the formula to get the levels just right.

It took several months - but we eventually found the perfect ratios.

I started giving this formula to my thyroid patients in my clinic…

And the results were astonishing.

Today, I want to share this formula with you.


Thyroid Renew*

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (78)

The Only Thyroid Supplement Formulated
By A Certified Nutrition Specialist To Address The Root Cause Of A
Low Thyroid

This is the supplement I wish I had when I was struggling with hypothyroidism.

Because it helps you support your thyroid at its roots…*

So you can feel better fast.*

And I’m not talking about managing symptoms...

I’m talking about addressing the root cause - the 3 nutrient deficiencies that can throw your thyroid out of whack.*

Here’s what you can expect from Thyroid Renew:

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Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (80)

More Energy*

You’ll support healthy energy levels. Which means instead of feeling fatigued like you want to just lay in bed all day, imagine having the energy to do the activities you’ve always loved… like hiking, walking, and dancing.*

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (81)

Lose Weight*

When you support your metabolism, your body can burn more calories on autopilot. Don’t be surprised if the bathroom scale starts dropping as pounds melt off. No need to hit the gym or eat daily salads if you don’t want to - a faster metabolism means you burn more calories even while resting.*

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (82)

Clear Brain Fog*

You’ll find it easier to read, concentrate, and focus on hard tasks. You’ll feel sharper, clearer, and less foggy. The days of feeling like a stressed-out “thyroid zombie” will be behind you.*

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (83)

Healthy Skin, Hair, And Nails*

As your thyroid health improves, so does the health of your skin, hair, and nails. You may find that your skin clears up. Many women find hair regrowing on their eyebrows and scalp. Brittle, weak nails get stronger.*

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (84)

Cold Sensitivity Relief*

Instead of always feeling cold on hot summer days, wearing multiple layers, and needing sweatshirts in the middle of August, your temperature sensitivity will be more balanced.*

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Balanced Mood*

Many women find that their hot flashes and mood swings stabilize. A healthy thyroid promotes a healthy, balanced mental state.*

Imagine Finding Relief From A Low Thyroid With Just A Few Seconds Of Effort Each Day*

Each capsule is small - about the size of a pea and easy to swallow.

Simply take 2 each day with a meal…

To start supporting your thyroid health immediately..*

Keep taking Thyroid Renew daily for 2 weeks…

And you may find that your energy has stabilized to normal.*

Continue for a few months, and your life will transform.*

Most women find that the longer you keep going, the better you feel.*

How is this possible?

With our unique 7-ingredient formula...

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (86)

Developed, tested, and perfected by Kinsey Jackson herself.

Here’s What’s Inside Our
Breakthrough Thyroid Renew Formula

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Your thyroid has more selenium than any other organ in your body, because this mineral powers your thyroid’s ability to make T3 and T4. Getting enough Selenium is vital to the health of your thyroid.* 2, 12-16

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Zinc helps activate T4 into T3, which is the only usable form for your cells. Zinc also helps support a healthy immune system, helps stabilize thyroid hormone levels, and can help regrow lost hair.* 18-29

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Copper is vital to energy production in your cells. Without it, your cells can’t turn T3 into energy. Studies show copper helps improve focus, memory, and learning. It also helps you feel less weak, sluggish, and tired.* 32-45

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Guggul is a flower resin that’s been used in Ayurvedic medicine for over 2500 years.

It’s a unique ingredient.

We’ve included it because of one incredible property:

A study out of the Phytotherapy Research Journal found that Guggul helps the thyroid uptake more nutrients. 49*

In other words, it supports absorption of the rest of the nutrients in any formula.*

Another publication out of the Scientifica research journal found that Guggul:*

  • Helps your thyroid make more T3 and T4
  • “Led to a significant increase in all thyroid function parameters...”
  • Increased oxygen uptake in your thyroid, helping it function better
  • Boosts iodine uptake in your thyroid 50

After doing a deep dive into the dozens of studies backing this incredible herb...

I knew it was a must-include for Thyroid Renew.

And I believe Guggul is one of the ingredients that puts Thyroid Renew head & shoulders above any other thyroid supplement you find on the market.

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (92)


Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that balances stress in the body.

Inflammation is one of the biggest biochemical triggers that can block your thyroid pathway.

That’s why you may have noticed that you get flare-ups when there are “inflammation triggers” in your life like:

  • Stress from work, family, or financial issues
  • Eating foods that are dietary triggers like gluten, dairy, or refined sugar
  • Immune system stressors like the flu, sunburns, and or cold exposure

That’s why we’ve included Ashwagandha as an amazing superfood to support healthy stress and inflammation responses in the body.*

Ashwagandha has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for over 5,000 years because of its strong link to thyroid health in women.

It’s backed by over 22,000 studies that show that this powerful herb:*

  • Stimulates healthy thyroid and liver activity (The Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology) 51
  • Normalizes TSH, T3, and T4 thyroid hormone levels in your blood (The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine) 52
  • Balances stress and anxiety in humans in over 32 studies (Murdoch University) 53
  • And more...

We’ve included Ashwagandha inside Thyroid Renew for all of these benefits.*

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Your thyroid makes T3 and T4 from two raw ingredients:

Iodine and an amino acid called L-tyrosine.

In other words, L-tyrosine is one of the precursors for thyroid hormones. 54

So it’s crucial to supply your thyroid with enough L-tyrosine, which is why we’ve included it inside Thyroid Renew*.

On top of that, over 7,460 studies show that L-tyrosine:*

  • Supports memory, concentration, and focus in women (UCLA & University of North Carolina) 55
  • Keeps you mentally sharp as you age (Journal of Psychiatric Research) 56, 57
  • Helps support healthy TSH levels (University of Southern California Los Angeles) 58

That’s why L-tyrosine is our 6th ingredient.

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Vitamin A

The last ingredient inside Thyroid Renew is Vitamin A.

It might sound like the least interesting ingredient...

But make no mistake - Vitamin A is critical for healthy thyroid function.*

Here’s why:

Studies show that Vitamin A:*

  • Helps your liver activate T4 into T3. In one study, it made a dramatic difference in T3 levels in women, which is a good thing if you want energy and a fast metabolism! (Journal of the American College of Nutrition) 59
  • Regulates the production of TSH, which is the signal that starts your Thyroid Pathway (Linus Pauling Institute) 67
  • Supports your thyroid from oxidative damage (University of Rome, Italy) 61
  • And more...

I’ve found that Vitamin A is essential to helping thyroid patients feel better...

Which is why we’ve included it as our last ingredient.

These 7 ingredients make up Thyroid Renew’s unique breakthrough formula.

Thyroid Renew Is Unique And The
Only Supplement Formulated By A
Certified Nutrition Specialist

We source every ingredient from a premium manufacturer.

There’s nothing added to dilute the formula.

And Thyroid Renew is made in a FDA-inspected, cGMP-certified facility based in the United States.

Rest assured...

This is one of the safest, most effective formulations for a low thyroid I believe that’s ever been created.*

Thyroid Renew was designed for anyone who struggles with a low thyroid (or who has Hashimoto’s).*

But I’ll be honest...

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (95)

Any Woman Over The
Age Of 20 Should Be Prioritizing Her
Thyroid Health

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (96)

Like I said:

The thyroid is one of the most important glands for women’s health.

If your thyroid is off...

Your entire body will feel off.

You’ll uncontrollably gain weight simply because your metabolism is slower.

Your skin and hair will age faster.

You could even have problems with fertility or your monthly cycle.

Thyroid Renew helps your thyroid stay in tip top shape…*

So you feel well at any age.*

Plus - who doesn’t want to burn more calories on autopilot or have younger looking skin and hair?

Sign me up!

If You’ve Gained A Few Extra Pounds, Feel
More Tired Than You Used To, Or Are
Shedding A Lot Of Hair...
I Recommend You Grab Thyroid Renew
Before Your Thyroid Gets Any Worse*

Some women come to my clinic not knowing if their thyroid is low...

They just know something is “off” about their bodies.

You know when you hit 30 and your body just isn’t what it used to be?

You gain a few (or not so few) extra pounds around the middle...

You’re more tired than usual...

And you start seeing hair come out while you’re in the shower.

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (97)

This is usually around the time when a woman’s thyroid starts to slow down.

It’s also the perfect time to rebalance your body with Thyroid Renew*.

Because if you don’t fix your nutrient deficiencies...

Thyroid Starvation can get worse and grow into bigger autoimmune problems.

If You’ve Been Tested And You Know
Your Thyroid Levels Are Low
Thyroid Renew Was Made For You*

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (98)

Some women come into my office knowing they have a low thyroid.

They’ve already been diagnosed.

And they’ve tried everything...

Medications, supplements, diet changes, multivitamins, everything...

Yet they don’t feel any better.

If that’s you, let me assure you:*

Thyroid Renew was made for you.

This is a unique formula I developed myself - and I guarantee it’s different from anything you’ve tried before.

Just check out what other people have said:

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (99)

Iris Verified Buyer

Puerto Rico

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (100)

Thyroid Renew Lowered The Numbers

“My thyroid TSH was high (5.7)…Thyroid Renew lowered the numbers…I think it is helping me, I will be ordering again.” **

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (101)

Linda Verified Buyer

Los Angeles, CA

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (102)

I Was Able To Lose 10 Pounds

“I have thyroid issues and it is very hard to lose weight even with the medication I take for it…It has helped a lot and I was able to lose 10 pounds.” **

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Roberta Verified Buyer


Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (104)

I Am Happy With The Results

“I purchased this product to support my thyroid function…I am happy with the results of taking Thyroid Renew and will likely continue.” **

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Vickie W Verified Buyer

Virginia Beach, VA

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (106)

I Have More Energy

“I needed help with my thyroid so I purchased Thyroid Renew…I only take one thyroid pill a day now and I have more energy.” **

At this point, you may be wondering...

How much does Thyroid Renew cost?

Let me ask you a question...

How much is your health worth to you?

I’ve seen both sides.

I’ve been so sick that I was stuck in a wheelchair and in bed all day.

And I’ve been healthy, happy, and enjoying the time I have left on this beautiful planet.

My opinion?

Good health is priceless... especially as you get older.

But if you HAD to put a number on it,
consider this:

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (107)

If you tried to get all the ingredients inside Thyroid Renew on their own, it’s a huge hassle - and you’d still have to take 7 different pills each morning.

For just one month supply, you’d be out:

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Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (109)

Yet today, you won’t be paying nearly that much for Thyroid Renew...

Even though I believe it’s well worth that, if not more.

However, you won’t be paying $148 for a bottle of Thyroid Renew.

You won’t be paying $97.

You won’t even be paying $67.

Today, you can grab a supply of Thyroid Renew from this page only for just $49.95 per bottle.

Plus: I’ll show you below how you can save even more.

Every Order Of Thyroid Renew Is
Protected By A 100%
Money-Back Guarantee

Hey, it’s Kinsey Jackson CNS here.

I want to give you my word that if you have a low thyroid or Hashimoto’s…

Thyroid Renew was designed for you…*

Even if you’ve tried other thyroid supplements before and they haven’t worked.

The reason why I believe in this formula so strongly is because I developed it myself.

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (110)

I struggled with hypothyroidism for over 2 decades before I fixed my thyroid.

They key to my recovery?


I thank God I learned as much from my nutrition degree as I did...

Because it helped me understand the deficiencies that can lead to low thyroid function.

Today, I want to share this formula with you, so you can experience the same transformation I did...*

And the same transformation that thousands of my thyroid patients have enjoyed.*

That’s why I want to remove all risk for you...

By giving you a 100% money back guarantee on every order of Thyroid Renew.

If you’re unsatisfied at all for any reason, just send us an email at [emailprotected] and we’ll refund you every penny.

You’ll even get to keep the bottles, free of charge.

There’s nothing to lose.

So if you’re interested, go ahead and click the button below to start feeling better today.

To your health,

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (111)

Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner

Our Most Successful Customers Grab The
3 Or 6 Bottle Option Because Of 3 Reasons

First: The Longer You Take Thyroid Renew, The Better You’ll Feel*

Think of Thyroid Renew as a far more effective replacement for your daily multivitamin and other supplements.*

Most women start feeling better fast.*

Keep taking it for a month...

And you’ll notice your energy improving... your brain fog going away... and your weight dropping.*

You may find your eyebrows and hair growing back...*

And your temperature variations balancing out.*

Keep going for 3 to 6 months...

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (113)

And you’ll find your health has drastically improved.

Your hair, skin, and nails may look better than they have in years.*

You’ll find yourself smiling and happy - like you should be.

You may even find that you’ve lost 20 pounds without trying!*

That’s the power of taking Thyroid Renew over a long period of time.*

That’s why I recommend you grab 3 or 6 bottles - give it some time to work its magic.

Second: The 3 And 6 Bottle Options Save You A Ton Of Money

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (114)

Over the course of a year, you’ll save up to $60 if you order with the 3 bottle option...

And up to $120 if you order with the 6 bottle option.

Simply put:

It’s better to buy in bulk.

There’s no added shipping cost.

And the 6 bottle option is the lowest price you’ll ever find Thyroid Renew, anywhere.

Lastly: You’ll Be Protected From Out-Of-Stocks (Which DO Happen Frequently Because Of Recent Supply
Chain Issues)

I’ll be honest - Thyroid Renew is very popular right now.

It’s one of our best selling supplements - simply because of how effective it is.

We’ve run out of stock several times in the past...

Which is super unfortunate because we have to put people’s orders on hold.

We hate that - because we know that it means women won’t feel well for a while.

There’s also been supply chain issues in the past year or so...

Which bottleneck parts of our manufacturing process.

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (115)

So if you care about your thyroid health, I definitely recommend you stock up by grabbing the 3 or 6 bottle option.

That way, you won’t be left high and dry if God forbid we run out again.

At this point - here’s what you can do:

Click The Button Below To Grab Your Supply Of Thyroid Renew Today

(You’ll Be Protected By A 100% Money Back Guarantee)

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (116)

I hope you learned something new about your thyroid today.

I promise you that with the power of nutrition - you CAN heal.

I’ve done it.

I’ve helped thousands of other men & women do it.

You can do it too.

Thyroid Renew is the formula that can help.*

I’ve spent years developing, testing, and perfecting it - it’s one of the achievements I’m most proud of...

And it’s something I recommend to virtually every woman who comes through my office.

If you’re a woman who cares about her health...

If you know you have a low thyroid yet no other solution has worked...*

If you want to finally feel better today...*

There’s no time to waste.

Click the button below to grab your supply of Thyroid Renew now.

What do you have to lose?

It’s risk-free because you’re protected by a 100% money-back guarantee.

If you don’t like it, you can get all your money back.

And if it works - your entire life could change.

Special Offer! Thyroid Renew (117)

So click the button below to grab your order now.

Thanks for reading - and here’s to your health and happiness.

Kinsey Jackson
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner

Frequently Asked Questions

Will Thyroid Renew really help me support a healthy thyroid?

How will Thyroid Renew help me feel better?

What makes Thyroid Renew different from other thyroid supplements?

Most thyroid supplements make me nauseous - what about Thyroid Renew?

Is Thyroid Renew really made in a cGMP-certified facility?

Is Thyroid Renew really backed by a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee?

How much Thyroid Renew should I take each day? And how big are the capsules?

I’m ready to order Thyroid Renew. What now?

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63. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5307254/#:~:text=The%20thyroid%20gland%20is%20characterized%20by%20a%20high%20tissue%20concentration,selenoproteins%20%5B1%2C%2013%5D

64. tps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6316875/

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67. https://lpi.oregonstate.edu/mic/vitamins/vitamin-A?_ga=2.133671182.1886448624.1691693207-934975205.1689279863#deficiency-related-disorders

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.